Andrew Lin



  • 100m
  • 200m
  • 300m
  • 55m
  • 600m
  • Pole Vault
  • Triple Jump


Performance Meet Date
00:12.94 League Meet 04/10/2019
00:13.04 East Irondequoit 04/22/2019
00:13.24 Honeoye Falls-Lima 04/11/2018
00:13.24 Batavia 05/03/2017
00:13.43 Monroe JV Boys 05/17/2017
00:13.74 Pittsford Sutherland 04/26/2017
00:14.24 Pittsford Mendon 04/05/2017


Performance Meet Date
00:27.54 Batavia 05/03/2017
00:27.94 Greece Olympia 05/02/2018
00:28.27 Monroe JV Boys 05/17/2017
00:28.84 Honeoye Falls-Lima 04/11/2018
00:28.94 Pittsford Sutherland 04/26/2017
00:30.04 Pittsford Mendon 04/05/2017


Performance Meet Date
00:43.31 RWTL - Groups A/D 01/04/2019
00:43.74 RWTL - West Region 01/06/2018
00:45.48 RWTL - West 12/22/2017
00:45.51 RWTL - ACE 12/29/2017
00:47.30 RWTL -ACE 01/13/2017
00:47.47 Jim Cleveland SubVar 01/20/2017
00:47.72 RWTL-west 01/07/2017
00:48.14 RWTL -West 12/23/2016
00:48.38 RWTL-west 12/16/2016
00:48.39 RWTL-ABC 12/10/2016
00:55.38 RWTL -west 12/18/2015
00:55.96 Jim Cleveland SubVar 01/15/2016
00:56.49 RWTL -west 01/09/2016
01:00.58 RWTL -West 12/11/2015


Performance Meet Date
00:07.43 RWTL - Houghton-3 12/07/2019
00:07.49 RWTL- Groups A-B-E 12/28/2019
00:07.51 RWTL - Blocks A and E 01/04/2020
00:07.57 Monroe County Championships 02/02/2019
00:07.61 RWTL - C/D Classes 01/18/2019
00:07.64 RWTL - ACE groups 12/28/2018
00:07.71 RWTL - West 12/21/2018
00:07.73 RWTL - West 12/15/2018
00:07.85 RWTL - Class B/C 01/20/2018
00:07.98 RWTL - West Region 12/08/2017
00:08.09 RWTL - West Region 12/16/2017
00:08.27 RWTL-west 12/16/2016
00:08.33 RWTL -West 12/23/2016
00:08.34 RWTL-West 12/30/2016
00:08.35 Jim Cleveland SubVar 01/20/2017
00:08.36 RWTL-west 01/07/2017
00:08.42 RWTL-ABC 12/10/2016
00:08.78 Jim Cleveland SubVar 01/15/2016
00:08.87 RWTL -west 01/09/2016
00:08.88 RWTL -abc groups 12/28/2015
00:08.96 RWTL -West 12/11/2015


Performance Meet Date
02:12.75 RWTL -west 12/18/2015

Pole Vault

Performance Meet Date
11-06.00 Section V - State Qualifier Meet 02/29/2020
11-06.00 RWTL - All Schools 02/14/2020
11-00.00 East Irondequoit 05/06/2019
11-00.00 Section V - Class B and C Championships 02/22/2020
11-00.00 Monroe County Champ 05/18/2019
11-00.00 Section V - Sectionals BC Groups 02/16/2019
11-00.00 RWTL - Blocks A and E 01/04/2020
11-00.00 Honeoye Falls-Lima 04/10/2019
10-09.00 Batavia Invitational 05/12/2018
10-06.00 RWTL - C/D Classes 01/18/2019
10-06.00 RWTL - ACE Groups 02/08/2019
10-06.00 Section V Class B-D Championships 05/25/2019
10-06.00 RWTL- Groups A-B-E 12/28/2019
10-06.00 Jack Reed Showcase 01/11/2020
10-06.00 RWTL - Houghton Meet 01/31/2020
10-06.00 Section V Class B-CC Championships 05/26/2018
10-06.00 Victor Twilight Invitational 05/03/2019
10-06.00 Monroe County Championships 02/02/2019
10-06.00 RWTL-Blocks A and C 12/13/2019
10-06.00 Trojan Invitational 04/13/2019
10-06.00 Trent Jackson 01/26/2019
10-00.00 Greece Olympia 05/02/2018
10-00.00 Trent Jackson/Cedric Walker Invit 01/25/2020
10-00.00 Monroe County 05/19/2018
10-00.00 RWTL - WMC, LC, GC, SC, AC 01/17/2020
10-00.00 Monroe County Champ 02/08/2020
09-09.00 RWTL - Blocks A-C-E 01/10/2020
09-09.00 LeRoy Invitational 05/11/2019
09-06.00 Batavia 04/24/2018
09-06.00 Section V - Sectionals BC Groups 02/16/2018
09-06.00 RWTL - ACE groups 12/28/2018
09-06.00 RWTL - West 12/21/2018
09-03.00 RWTL - Groups A/D 01/04/2019
09-03.00 RWTL - West Region 01/06/2018
09-03.00 Batavia 04/27/2018
09-00.00 Batavia 05/16/2017
09-00.00 RWTL - Groups A/E 02/02/2018
08-06.00 Monroe JV Boys 05/17/2017
08-06.00 Honeoye Falls-Lima 04/11/2018
08-06.00 RWTL - West 12/15/2018
08-06.00 RWTL - West Region 12/16/2017
08-06.00 Section V Class B-CC Championships 05/26/2017
08-06.00 RWTL - ACE 12/29/2017
08-03.00 RWTL - Class B/C 01/20/2018
08-00.00 Pittsford Sutherland 04/26/2017
08-00.00 RWTL - West Region 12/08/2017
07-09.00 RWTL - West 12/22/2017
07-06.00 Pittsford Mendon 04/05/2017
07-00.00 RWTL -ACE 01/13/2017

Triple Jump

Performance Meet Date
32-04.00 East Irondequoit 04/22/2019