Jenna Fazio



  • 2000m Steeple
  • 400 Int Hurdles
  • Discus Throw
  • Shot Put
  • Weight Throw

2000m Steeple

Performance Meet Date
10:44.34 Cal-Mum Invitational 05/03/2019
11:06.30 LCAA Championships 05/16/2019
11:24.82 Avon 04/25/2019

400 Int Hurdles

Performance Meet Date
01:30.24 Warsaw 05/22/2019
01:48.81 Cal-Mum Invitational 2016 05/07/2016
01:49.13 Livonia Invitational 05/14/2016

Discus Throw

Performance Meet Date
079-09.00 Livonia 04/23/2019
079-01.00 Livonia 05/14/2018
078-00.00 Livonia 04/10/2018
077-10.00 Livonia 04/09/2019
075-01.00 Livonia Invitational 05/11/2018
073-05.00 Wayland-Cohocton 05/10/2016
073-02.00 LCAA Championships 05/16/2019
073-01.00 RH Relays 04/21/2018
072-08.00 Dave Crabb Invitational 05/10/2019
070-00.00 Livonia 05/16/2017
069-03.00 Liv-County Meet 04/02/2019
069-01.00 Tiger Invitational 04/27/2019
068-05.00 Cal-Mum Invitational 05/03/2019
064-10.00 Trojan Invitational 04/13/2019
063-00.00 RH Relays 04/20/2019
062-03.00 RH Relays 04/23/2016
061-04.50 Cal-Mum Invitational 2018 05/04/2018
059-02.00 LCAA Championships 05/17/2018
058-09.00 Tiger Invitational 04/30/2016
058-03.00 Livonia Invitational 05/12/2017
058-00.00 Cal-Mum vs Livonia 04/05/2017
056-05.00 Tiger Invitational 04/29/2017
054-08.00 RH Relays 04/22/2017

Shot Put

Performance Meet Date
28-05.25 RWTL - Groups A/D 01/04/2019
28-03.50 Section V - Sectionals BC Groups 02/16/2018
27-07.25 LCAA-CCCSGA Champ 02/08/2020
27-02.00 Livonia 04/09/2019
27-01.50 Livonia Invitational 05/11/2018
27-01.00 Dansville 04/24/2018
26-11.50 Wayne-Finger Lakes / Livingston County 02/01/2019
26-05.50 Liv-County Meet 04/02/2019
26-00.00 RWTL - Central Region 12/22/2017
26-00.00 RWTL - BDF 01/15/2018
25-11.00 Livonia 04/10/2018
25-11.00 RH Relays 04/21/2018
25-10.00 RWTL - Houghton Meet 01/31/2020
25-09.00 Rochester Relays - CD 01/12/2019
25-08.25 LCAA Championships 05/16/2019
25-08.00 Cal-Mum Invitational 05/03/2019
25-07.25 RWTL - BDF 12/30/2017
25-05.00 Tiger Invitational 04/27/2019
25-05.00 RWTL - C/D Classes 01/18/2019
25-03.00 Dave Crabb Invitational 05/10/2019
25-02.00 RWTL - Blocks C-D-E 01/24/2020
24-11.00 RWTL - Central 12/22/2018
24-09.75 RWTL - Central 12/15/2018
24-09.50 LCAA Championships 05/17/2018
24-08.75 RWTL - Central 01/06/2018
24-08.00 RWTL - Blocks D and F 01/03/2020
24-03.00 Wayne-Finger Lakes / Livingston County 01/26/2018
23-11.75 RH Relays 04/20/2019
23-11.25 RWTL - WMC, LC, GC, SC, AC 01/17/2020
23-11.00 RWTL - Central 12/09/2017
23-09.25 Livonia Invitational 05/12/2017
23-06.00 Cal-Mum vs Livonia 04/05/2017
23-03.50 RWTL - BDF Groups 02/08/2019
23-01.00 RH Relays 04/22/2017
23-01.00 RWTL-Central 12/23/2016
22-11.00 RWTL - ADF 02/10/2017
22-11.00 Tiger Invitational 04/29/2017
22-07.50 Cal-Mum Invitational 2018 05/04/2018
22-05.00 RWTL - Blocks B-D-F 01/11/2020
21-11.00 RWTL -BDF 01/13/2017
21-07.50 RWTL -central 12/17/2016
21-02.50 Tiger Invitational 04/30/2016
21-01.50 RWTL - CDF 01/21/2017

Weight Throw

Performance Meet Date
029-10.00 RWTL - Houghton Meet 01/31/2020
028-08.00 RWTL - Blocks C-D-E 01/24/2020
28-04.25 Section V - Class B and C Championships 02/22/2020
026-11.50 RWTL - C/D Classes 01/18/2019
026-07.25 Wayne-Finger Lakes / Livingston County 02/01/2019
026-06.75 RWTL - WMC, LC, GC, SC, AC 01/17/2020
026-02.25 RWTL - Central 12/15/2018
025-07.75 RWTL - Blocks B-D-F 01/11/2020
024-11.50 LCAA-CCCSGA Champ 02/08/2020
023-02.75 RWTL - Groups A/D 01/04/2019
023-02.00 RWTL - Central 01/06/2018
022-06.75 RWTL - Blocks D and F 01/03/2020
022-06.00 RWTL - Central Region 12/22/2017
022-05.50 Rochester Relays - CD 01/12/2019
022-04.75 Wayne-Finger Lakes / Livingston County 01/26/2018
022-04.00 RWTL - Central 12/22/2018
022-01.00 RWTL - Central 12/09/2017
021-04.50 RWTL - CDF 01/21/2017
020-04.50 RWTL- AC 02/04/2017
019-05.75 RWTL -BDF 01/13/2017
019-05.00 RWTL -central 12/17/2016
018-10.50 RWTL - ADF 02/10/2017
018-08.00 RWTL-Central 12/23/2016