Rebekah Daniszewski



  • Discus Throw
  • Shot Put
  • Weight Throw

Discus Throw

Performance Meet Date
107-07.00 Honeoye Falls-Lima 06/02/2021
097-10.00 LeRoy Invitational 05/29/2021
093-09.00 Section V Class B1 Championships 06/12/2021
090-07.00 LeRoy Invitational 05/11/2019
089-02.00 Section V Class B-D Championships 05/25/2019
088-10.00 Trojan Invitational 04/13/2019
084-09.50 Batavia Inv 05/08/2021
082-01.00 Honeoye Falls-Lima 04/10/2019
080-11.00 Pembroke Invitational 05/14/2021
075-11.00 Webster Invitational 04/20/2019
075-09.50 Batavia 05/05/2021
075-01.00 Runnin' Cadet 05/22/2021
073-10.50 Greece Olympia 05/01/2019
063-09.00 Monroe County JV Girls 05/17/2018
063-00.00 Brockport 05/10/2018

Shot Put

Performance Meet Date
40-08.25 Section V - Class A2 Championships 03/07/2021
39-03.25 Trent Jackson/Cedric Walker Invit 01/25/2020
39-02.00 RWTL Group B 02/20/2021
38-11.00 Batavia 05/12/2021
38-11.00 Border War 01/18/2020
38-09.25 LeRoy Invitational 05/29/2021
38-05.00 Batavia Inv 05/08/2021
38-03.75 Batavia 02/17/2021
38-01.00 RWTL Group B 01/23/2021
37-10.75 RWTL Group B 02/13/2021
37-10.00 Monroe County Champ 02/08/2020
37-08.50 Section V - Class B and C Championships 02/22/2020
37-08.00 RWTL Group B 02/26/2021
37-05.50 RWTL - Blocks A-C-E 01/10/2020
37-05.50 Runnin' Cadet 05/22/2021
37-03.25 RWTL - Houghton Meet 01/31/2020
37-02.00 Pembroke Invitational 05/14/2021
36-10.75 Section V - State Qualifier Meet 02/29/2020
36-09.20 Batavia 05/05/2021
36-07.25 Jack Reed Showcase 01/11/2020
36-01.25 Section V Class B1 Championships 06/12/2021
35-11.00 RWTL - Blocks A and E 01/04/2020
35-08.50 RWTL- Groups A-B-E 12/28/2019
35-06.50 RWTL - Houghton-3 12/07/2019
35-03.50 Section V Class B-D Championships 05/25/2019
35-02.25 Section V State Qualifier 05/31/2019
34-01.25 LeRoy Invitational 05/11/2019
33-11.00 RWTL-Blocks A and C 12/13/2019
33-02.75 Greece Olympia 05/01/2019
32-04.50 RWTL - West 12/21/2018
32-02.00 Section V - Sectionals BC Groups 02/16/2019
32-02.00 Victor Twilight Invitational 05/03/2019
32-00.50 RWTL - ACE Groups 02/08/2019
32-00.50 Victor Twilight Invitational 05/04/2018
32-00.50 Victor Twilight Invitational 05/04/2018
31-10.25 Trojan Invitational 04/13/2019
31-06.00 RWTL - West 12/15/2018
31-04.50 State Qualifier - Program 02/22/2019
31-03.75 Honeoye Falls-Lima 04/10/2019
31-02.50 Webster Invitational 04/20/2019
30-10.75 RWTL - Groups A/D 01/04/2019
30-09.25 Monroe County Championships 02/02/2019
29-11.50 Section V Class B-CC Championships 05/26/2018
29-07.25 Batavia Invitational 05/12/2018
29-00.50 Rochester Relays - CD 01/12/2019

Weight Throw

Performance Meet Date
041-04.25 Monroe County Champ 02/08/2020
040-05.75 Jack Reed Showcase 01/11/2020
037-10.50 Trent Jackson/Cedric Walker Invit 01/25/2020
037-00.00 RWTL - Blocks A-C-E 01/10/2020
036-10.25 Border War 01/18/2020
36-00.50 Section V - Class B and C Championships 02/22/2020
034-00.75 RWTL - Houghton-3 12/07/2019
033-08.75 RWTL- Groups A-B-E 12/28/2019
033-06.75 RWTL - West 12/21/2018
032-06.50 RWTL - Blocks A and E 01/04/2020
032-02.25 Section V - Sectionals BC Groups 02/16/2019
031-03.25 RWTL - West 12/15/2018
030-05.75 RWTL-Blocks A and C 12/13/2019